大王通風特有10+安全防護措施,保證工業大風扇的安全運行,輕松應對各種嚴苛惡劣運行環境。 10+safety protection measures to ensure the safe operation of industrial fans and easily deal with various harsh operating environments. | |||
流線型變截面葉片設計 STREAMLINED VARIABLE CROSS-SECTION 應用空氣動力學等弦長理論,結合相對線速度原理,葉根到葉尖逐漸變窄、變薄,受力更平衡,送風更均勻,且中心無空洞。 Conform to aerodynamic equal chord length theory,combined with the relative linear velocity principle,the blade narrows and thins from root to tip till tail then widen,the air is more even and uniform. | 航空級防撞葉片材質 AVIATION ALUMINUM PLATE 1.5MM厚5052航空鋁板,可承受3噸以上拉伸力,超高的材料韌性,確保葉片受到撞擊時能夠快速變型有效吸收外力,防止葉片斷裂的同時,極大限度避免電機及其它結構件受損。 1.5mm thickness 5052 Ultra-high toughness aviation aluminum plate can load more than 3Ton tensile to ensure the blade can deform quickly and absorb external force effectively, It can prevent the blade from breaking,avoid the damage to the motor and other structural parts greatly. | ||
葉片高強度鉚接 BLADE HIGH-STRENGTH CONNECTION 每個葉片采用16顆高強度鉚釘與緩沖腔體分上下鉚接在一起,形成獨立面受力,每個鉚釘設計承載剪切力為1.5噸。 Each blade is fixed with the buffer cavity by 16pcs high-strength rivets, each rivet can load 1.5 ton shear force. | 減振緩沖裝置 BUFFER DEVICE 葉柄與葉片采用減振裝置非剛性連接,特有隔振橡膠墊,吸收大部分風扇運行時葉片產生的振動。 The blade and petiole flexible connects with buffer device, the rubber absorbs the most vibration from blades when running. | ||
防墜盤 ANTI-FALLING RING 法蘭盤的"凹"型截面與防墜環"凸"型截面在重力作用下相互咬合鉤掛,確保電機法蘭盤與電機的可靠連接。 The concave flange are engaged with the convex anti-falling ring each other under the gravity to ensure a reliable connection between the flange and motor. | 安全環 SAFETY RING 將5根葉柄與電機上蓋連成一體,確保葉柄不會分離墜落。 Connect the 5 petioles into a whole to form the sleeve with the frame lower hub to prevent the petioles from falling. | ||
榫卯式葉柄連接 MORTISE AND TENON PETIOLE CONNECTION 榫卯連接:葉柄的"凹"型截面與緩沖件"凸"型截面形成關節咬合,消除風扇運行時葉片向外的離心力和風扇啟停時的剪切力。 The convex petiole with concave buffer device form the Joint engaged,eliminate the centrifugal force from the blades when the fan is running and the shear force when the fan starts and stops. | 高抗拉強度葉柄材質 HIGH-TENSILE STRENGTH PETIOLE 6061-T6葉柄,高強度,高硬度,可達HB90度以上,具有良好的抗腐蝕性,可承受205MPa抗拉強度。 6061-T6 petiole,high strenght,HB90 hardness,it has good corrosion resistance with 205MPa tensile strength. | ||
鋼絲繩纏繞保護 WIRE ROPE WIND PROTECTION 安裝板與房梁使用1000KG拉力強度鋼絲繩纏繞,確保風扇整體結構不松動不墜落。 Mounting bracket and I Beam winded with 1000KG tensile wire rope to prevent sliding and falling. | 鋼絲繩平衡保護 WIRE ROPE BALANCE PROTECTION 四根鋼絲繩利用平衡原理與建筑物牽引固定,確保風扇整機不受外力及氣流作用晃動墜落。 Four wire ropes are fixed with building traction to prevent shaking and falling. | ||
異常報警系統 ABNORMAL ALARM SYSTEM 變頻控制系統自帶過壓、過載、缺相等意外保護,遇到異常自動報警并停止風扇運行。 The VFD system comes with accident protection.It will automatically alarm and stop work. | 實時監測,主動維保 REAL-TIME MONITOR AND INITIATIVE MAINTENANCE 大王智能遠程控制系統,實時監測設備運行參數、電機溫升及設備水平度。 Dawang intelligent remote control system realtime monitor the fan operating parameters,motor temperature rise ,fan horizontal level and so on. |